This is a 3-years project initiated in March 2018 and concluded in June 2021. The project was submitted in 2016 and approved for financial support by the research fund SEP-CONACyT (Mexico) - Fondo Sectorial de Investigacion para la Educacion. The project has three main goals:

  • To create novel lightweight algorithms and their HW/SW architectures for finite field arithmetic operators, as the main building blocks of asymmetric cryptography realizations in constrained computing environments.

  • To create novel lightweight algorithms and their HW/SW architectures for group arithmetic (multiplicative and additive groups) suitable for asymmetric cryptography in constrained computing environments.

  • To create efficient HW/SW modules of lightweight asymmetric cryptography, that enable information security services in in constrained computing environments.
This project aims at generating novel algorithms and novel hardware/software architectures to achieve lightweight constructions of cryptographic schemes that enable security information services on constrained environments. This is a very important aspect to secure data and communications on wireless sensor networks, mobile computing, networked embedded systems and in general, in those environments using tiny computing devices with limited computing capabilities (computing power, energy, memory, etc).

The general goal of this research is to enable cryptography-based security services on computing-constrained environments (very common in the current and future Internet of Things - IoT - paradigm), such as confidentiality, integrity and authentication at application level.

The main areas of this (interdisciplinary) research project are:

  • Asymmetric (Public key) Cryptography
  • Symmetric (Private key) Cryptography
  • Post-quantum Cryptography
  • Embedded systems
  • Internet-of-Things
  • Computational Engineering

As main results, this project achieved:

  • 7 BSc students graduated.
  • 3 MSc students graduated plus 2 students with thesis initiated.
  • 2 PhD students graduated.
  • 1 Posdoc researcher (1 year of collaboration).
  • 14 Jounal papers.
  • 3 Book chapters
  • 8 Conference papers.
  • 7 Papers of science communication.
  • 7 talks and presentations.

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